Tools – New to Travel
If you are new to travel health these are the following resources that I recommend you use in the first instance as resources. Click on the logos or the purple highlighted words below to access the resources. Please note, TRAVAX and Fitfortravel come from Public Health Scotland, TravelHealthPro, the Green Book, the Vaccine Update, Immunisation Training and the UK Malaria Guidelines come from the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA). The RCN Competencies come from the Royal College of Nursing and the Good Practice Guidance for Providing a Travel Health Service comes from the Faculty of Travel Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow. It was impossible to include all this information in the buttons below!
A to Z of healthy travel – needs password
Health information for travellers from PHS
from NaTHNaC
Immunisation against Infectious disease
essential publication
Guidelines for malaria prevention
in travellers from the UK
MAY 2022, THE CARE QUALITY COMMISSION (CQC) PUBLISHED A GP MYTHBUSTER NO.107: PRE-TRAVEL HEALTH SERVICES. If you work in England in travel health, this is essential reading. This was further updated and revised in April 2023.
ARTICLES for travel health service include
- NEW TO TRAVEL HEALTH? HOW TO GET STARTED – (published in 2016) click here and to read a more recent article
- PROVIDING A TRAVEL HEALTH SERVICE IN PRIMARY CARE (published 2022) which includes information for those new or experienced and applicable to all travel health settings click here.
- SETTING UP A TRAVEL SERVICE (published in 2023) click here
QUICK LINKS TO KEY PUBLICATIONS AND RESOURCES – just click on the title below!
- To sign up to the Vaccine Update and/or subscribe to updates on other publications such as new chapters of the Green Book
E LEARNING to help understand some travel medicine topics
What is the practice of travel medicine (this is about a 30 minute module, free of charge)
Nuggets of Knowledge – Hepatitis A (this is about a 30 minute module, free of charge)
Dilemmas in Delivering Travel Health (this will take up to an hour and a certificate if provided – learning is free of charge)
Malaria Matters (this is a 6 hour course covering the UK malaria guidelines, currently being updated – more news soon)
Dengue (this is a 1 hour course explaining use of the new dengue vaccine at the current time – a one hour certificate is provided and the course is free of charge)