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Below I’ve provided some resources that may have been discussed with Practice Nurses during an educational event.
These are to help you access any relevant information related to travel health and some to immunisation issues as well. Much of it is on other pages on this website but I hope it will prove helpful to you on the one page here!
If there is anything else along these lines you feel would be helpful please contact me and let me know.
- Information from the BMA regarding charging for travel vaccines see here
- More general information regarding changes to vaccination arrangments including financial, from the BMA see here
- Information from the BMA regarding occupational health provision of hepatitis B and other issues regarding hepatitis B see here
- FAQs no. 1, 2 and 3 regarding the provision of a travel health service see here
- Article in Practice Management journal about the provision of TRAVAX see here and for videos showing features that save time see the TRAVAX suitcase and the TRAVAX maps
- Article in Practice Management journal about providing a travel health service in a primary care setting (published in June 2015) see here but please also see a subsequent piece about the fact we can now use PGDs for private vaccines here (this change happened just after the article was publsihed! )
- Article on Vaccine Storage and Management (includes information about data loggers) see here
- ImmForm Helpsheet no. 18 Fridge Failures and Stock Incidents see here
- Many more resources on ‘Vaccine Storage’ from my website see here
- Education for all healthcare professionals for travel health see here or click on the ‘training’ image below
- E learning courses from the National Skills Academy including ‘Immunisation training’ see here, but many more information resources are also available in the ‘HELP’ section – see here, for immunisation resources, but click on keyboard image below for many more!
- RCN competencies document for nurses working in travel health see here
- MANY helpful tools to standardise your service can be found on the tools page – or click on the image of the fruit and cutlery below! These will include travel risk assessment and management forms (nos. 1 and 2), advice leaflet and post vaccination letter you can customise (nos. 4 and 5), last minute traveller poster (no. 10), bravery certificates (no. 14), poster regarding rabies for reception staff (no. 16) and much much more!
To find the latest item added to this website go to ‘What’s New’ click here or image below right