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1.  Immunisation against infectious disease ‘The Green Book’  and the whole UKHSA Immunisation Collection (also no. 13 below)

2.  Vaccine Update and the searchable index to the back copies of the Vaccine Update (great little tool published end of October 2019, updated 2022)

2a. NHS Specialist Pharmacy Service – significant amount of resources on this site – for vaccines and immunisation see here and for travel health see here

3.  Childhood immunisation schedule for the UK – there are two different charts available as follows: 

  • For the complete routine immunisation schedule  here 
  • For the routine childhood immunisation schedule here 

Information about the Red Book online here

2021 updated guidance on ‘Managing Childhood Immunisation Clinics‘ best practice guidlines from the RCN is very useful.

4.  What to expect after vaccination – leaflet from DH for healthcare professionals to use in under five year olds and Vaccines and porcine gelatine leaflet published 15 September 2015

5.  Resources in Scotland (search on topic) NHS inform and Public Health Scotland Immunisation, vaccine and preventable disease resources

6.  Vaccination of individuals with uncertain or incomplete immunisation status  from UKHSA

7. WHO – Summary of WHO Position Papers including Recommendations for Interrupted or Delayed Routine Immunization – see here.

8.  UK and international immunisation schedules comparison tool

9.  Quick chart of vaccine-preventable disease terms in multiple languages  and see the full list of resources from here 

10.  European Control and Disease Prevention (ECDC) Vaccine schedule tool 

11.  World Health Organisation (WHO) vaccine-preventable diseases: monitoring system

12. WHO Recommendations for Interrupted or Delayed Routine Immunization – Summary of WHO Position Papers  and see table 3

13.  The Immunisation page from the UKHSA 

14.  UKHSA National Minimum Standards and Core Curriculum for Immunisation Training for Registered Healthcare Practitioners

15. E-learning course on immunisation on the NHS England website.  Another e learning course for flu from e-L H is here

16.  Immunology for Immunisers – this contains some excellent videos on the topic, developed by the Public Health England (now UKHSA).  It includes ten FAQs to help you explain some immunisation issues with your patients as well.  There is also a quiz which you can complete to accompany this training here.

17. Immunisation Training Resources for Healthcare Professionals from UKHSA

18.  Historical vaccine developments and introduction of vaccines in the UK from UKHSA

19. Off-label vaccine leaflets from UKHSA  and Prescribing unlicensed medicines from the GMC

20.  Vaccination Ingredients page from NHS website (some great resources) and from Oxford Vaccine Group here

21.  RCN Immunisation page with links to many resources including a ‘Practical and clinical guidance for vaccine administration‘.   For a more specific page on travel health also click here

22. Oxford Vaccine Group – Vaccine Knowledge Project – Authorative Information for All.  Vaccine Ingredients page is helpful Types of Vaccines and a video ‘How do vaccines work’ from OVG published in May 2018 here 

23. NICE guidance: Vaccine update in the general population (May 2022) which leads to many other reports/resources here 

24. MenB vaccine and paracetamol guidance from UKHSA

25. Find your local Health Protection Team in England here

26. British HIV Guidelines on the use of vaccines in HIV positive patients here   New update awaited but there are many resources on this page

KEY IMMUNISATION TRAINING AND GUIDANCE DOCUMENTS, plus RCN resources page – click on images below

RCN  IMMUNISATION resources and RCN TRAVEL HEALTH resources pages (or click images above)


There are excellent resources in other countries too, here are some links for interest, but just remember if practising in the UK you should follow our National guidance.

WHO Best Practices for Injections and Related Procedures Toolkit

The Australian Government Department of Health new Immunisation webpage 

Canadian Immunization Guide

USA – CDC Vaccines and Immunization page which leads to numerous resources including a page for healthcare professionals.  Their Pink Book is similar to our UK Green Book.  For example, HERE is a direct link to the information on Vaccine Administration

Recommendations for Interrupted or Delayed Routine Immunization – Summary of WHO Position Papers.  Table 3 updated April 2024

Immunization Action Coalition – this is also a US website, it has some interesting information to peruse!  

Talking About Vaccines with Dr. Paul Offit of the Vaccine Education Center at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia answers many common questions about the safety of vaccines and the science behind their development in this video series.

The US Military Health System – interesting page of resources including standing orders and recommended practices for administering vaccines within the organisation

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