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NOTE – there is currently a shortage of hepatitis B Vaccine and usage constraints are in place. To see the information form Public Health England click here.
1. Hepatitis B – The Green Book chapter 18 updated December 2013
2. Hepatitis B: vaccine recommendations during supply constraints
3. Hepatitis B: Pathway stages to protection from Department of Health
4. Hepatitis B antenatal screening and newborn immunisation programme: Best practice guidance from Department of Health
5. Hepatitis B from NHS Choices
6. Hepatitis B vaccine from NHS Choices
7. British Medical Association – Focus on hepatitis B immunisations (useful information regarding provision of vaccine for lifestyle, occupational and travel provision)
8. Hepatitis B for new born babies at risk – information re Statement for Financial Services (SFE) for primary care
9. WHO Facts on hepatitis B (updated annually)
10. Hepatitis B – Out of the Shadows. A report into the impact of hepatitis B on the nation’s health from the Foundation from Liver Research (although published in 2000, this document remains a very good source of infomration).
11. Hepatitis B Positive Trust
12. British Liver Trust – hepatitis B section
13. Video from the World Hepatitis Alliance – ‘The Unwise Monkey learns what hepatitis B is’ Click here see video no.10
14. Online learning from the Royal College of General Practitioners – RCGP Certificate in the Detection, Diagnosis and Management of Hepatitis B and C in Primary Care.
15. Public Health England Migrant Health Guide link to Hep B page, but the whole site is of great interest
16. Hepatitis B informations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) including online serology training see here