Which travel vaccine comes from which vaccine manufacturer?
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Direct supply of travel vaccines from vaccine manufacturers
There have been many changes to the ownership of a number of vaccine manufacturers of late and some travel vaccines have moved from one company to another. This information below is intended to know which vaccine is supplied by each company!
Companies in alphabetical order. If vaccine is in purple ink, then if you click on it you will be taken to the SPC of this product from the EMC.
1. GlaxoSmithKline
- Vaccines: Havrix Monodose, Havrix Junior Monodose, Twinrix Adult, Twinrix paediatric, Ambirix, Menveo, Engerix B 20 mcg (PFS), Engerix B 20 mcg (vial) Fendrix
- Contact: Click on any of the products above and this will take you to all the details for this company on the EMC
- Note: Hepatyrix and typherix are no longer manufactured and their SmPCs are not on the eMC any longer
2. MSD
- Vaccines: HBVAXPRO 5μg, HBVAXPRO 10μg, HBVAXPRO 40μg, VAQTA adult and VAQTA paediatric
- Contact: Click on any of the products above and this will take you to all the details for this company on the EMC
3. Patientric
- Vivotif, Vaxchora
- Contact: Click on any of the products above and this will take you to all the details for this company on the EMC
4. Pfizer
- Vaccines: TicoVac, TicoVac junior, Nimenrix
- Contact: Click on any of the products above and this will take you to all the details for this company on the EMC
5. Sanofi Pasteur
- Vaccines: Avaxim, Avaxim® Junior, Revaxis, Stamaril, Typhim Vi, MenQuadfi®, Verorab (but not in the Green Book yet)
- Contact: Click on any of the products above and this will take you to all the details for this company on the EMC
- Note Rabies Vaccine BP was discontinued in 2022, the SmPC is no longer on the eMC website. ViATIM was also discontinued in 2022 and the SmPC is currently still available here.
6. Takeda
- Qdenga®▼
- Contact: Click on the product above and this will take you to all the details for this company on the EMC
7. Valneva