Apart from study days which I speak at regularly around the country, I sometimes present at large travel related meetings both in the UK and abroad. Here are handouts of those presentations in case you attended one and wanted to review the information delivered – just click on the chosen image below! Please note, they were up to date at the time and date of the presentation but facts may have been superseded since that time.
October 2016. Best Practice in Nursing Conference at the National Exhibition Centre (NEC) in Birmingham
At this event for 2016 I presented an advanced workshop again. The managment company filmed the presenation and have allowed me to put it here on my website. I’ve created it into an e learning programme which has enabled me to create links within the slides to go directly to further information resources. Where feasible I’ve also updated some of the changes in guidance since I gave the talk. The information is therefore up to date at the time of posting this (23.01.17) but please be aware developments are happening all the time and may change again in the future. Click right to view.
The BPiN conference will be held again on 18th and 19th October 2017 – click here to view details
May 2013. Conference of the International Society of Travel Medicine, (CISTM13) held in Maastricht.
I was invited to present in a symposium at the ISTM in a symposium entitled ‘Risk: Perceived Versus Real, and Communication Tools’. My brief for the objective was ‘The learner can translate actual risk in a quantifiable measure for the traveler so that the latter can better assess the relevance of applying a preventive measure for her (him)…. and the content request was
1) Describe how actual risk can be appropriately communicated to a lay person and give examples
2) Illustrate how different means can lead to different uptake of preventive measures
March 2013 Joint Conference of the Faculty of Travel Medicine and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society held at BMA House, London.
This meeting was the third joint meeting of these two important groups, The Faculty of Travel Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow is keen to share high standards of practice in travel medicine to groups who are newer to the field of practice. Over 100 delegates were present on the day, largely from a pharmacy background. The day was successful and hopefully useful to all who attended. My presentation provided an outline of information on many aspects of training and resources for a travel medicine service.