RESOURCES FOR THE TRAVEL MEDICINE COURSES conducted at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
Here are some of the resources I referred to during the session I gave on information sources on 28.08.23 for the RCPSG Postgraduate Diploma in Travel Medicine. There are others below not mentioned and the list is certainly not exhaustive, but gives you a ‘flavour’ of some of the information available! Explore and if you find more links that you think are very useful please let me know.
This page was updated for the training, but in between courses I do not monitor it for changes. Please notify me if you find anything that needs updating. Have fun!
There are 8 sections!
SECTION 1: Guidance documents for the practice of travel medicine
- Travel health nursing: career and competence development from the Royal College of Nursing. Executive summary: perceptions of the RCN Travel Health Competencies Document see here (the document will download automatically).
- Recommendations for the practice of travel medicine from the Faculty of Travel Medicine
- Protecting the health of travellers from the UK and Ireland from the Faculty of Travel Medicine
- Practice of Travel Medicine Guidelines from the Infectious Diseases Society of America
- Good Practice Guidance for Providing a Travel Health Service from the Faculty of Travel Medicine
SECTION 2: Standard Setting – key resources for vaccine and malaria recommendations in the UK
Good Practice Guidance
for Providing a Travel Health Service
TravelHealthPro – from the National Travel Health Network and Centre. Demo
TRAVAX – The A to Z of healthy travel. (Password needed)
Fit for Travel, health information for travellers
NHS website public pages for travel
Immunisation against Infectious disease (The Green Book)
Vaccine update – essential publication
Guidelines for malaria prevention in travellers from the UK
Immunisation training resources
SECTION 2 continued
- Download the index for the Green Book onto your desktop for quick reference of content
- Subscribe to Vaccine Update here and the Vaccine Update Index
- Routine National Immunisation schedule here in chart form including list of vaccines for those with medical conditions
- UKHSA National Minimum Standards and Core Curriculum for Immunisation Training for Registered Healthcare Practitioners
- Immunisation course free of charge on Health Education England e-LfH (includes many other excellent courses on the site)
- NHS Education for Scotland in partnership with Public Health Scotland to support the Scottish Immunisation Programme resources here
- BNF apps for android and IoS here
- Yellow Card reporting from the MHRA here
- Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency here
- Off label vaccine leaflets see here
- Vaccine Storage resources here
- UKHSA Malaria: Guidance, data and analysis here
- Yellow Fever course from Public Health Scotland (remember this does NOT replace NaTHNaC training if you are a registered Yellow Fever Centre in England,Wales or N. Ireland) see training requirements section here
SECTION 3: International Resources
- Disease surveillance centres e.g.ECDC, WER , MMWR, ProMED
- Geosentinel (an international network of clinics and healthcare providers dedicated to monitoring infectious diseases and other travel-related health issues among international travelers and migrants).
- ECDC Surveillance atlas of infectious diseases here
- Immunisation guidance from the Australia Canada USA (the pink book)
- At a glance resources guide from the USA – leads to e learning and other resources here
- Immunization Action Coalition (USA) here
- WHO International Health Regulations and further details here
- WHO factsheets see here
- World Health Organization travel section see here
- WHO global road safety see here
- WHO Global Malaria Programme here and to the 2022 World Malaria Report here
- WHO Tropical Diseases see here
- WHO You Tube page see here
- Open WHO courses here
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) see travel section here
- European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) see Infectious Disease topics here
- Canadian Travel Medicine resources see here (requires exploring many links to find the information)
- CDC Yellow fever course online see here
- CDC Yellow Book see here
- CDC Clinician Resources, see here
SECTION 4: Books and Journals
- Plotkin’s Vaccines, 8th Edition, Walter A. Orenstein, Paul A. Offit, Kathryn M. Edwards, Stanley A. Plotkin (Eds.) Review here.
- Keystone et al. Travel Medicine 4th Edition
- Manual of Travel Medicine. Torresi et al
- CDC Yellow Book see here
- Staying Healthy When You Travel – by Dr Jane Wilson-Howarth here
- Travellers’ Health How to stay health abroad – edited by Richard Dawood. Click here
- Journal of Travel Medicine here or free access via the ISTM Membership
- Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease here or free access through membership of the Faculty of Travel Medicine
- Emporiatrics – the Magazine of the Faculty of Travel Medicine here
- Emerging Infectious Disease from CDC here
- BGTHA Journal/Travelwise (membership only access) here
Useful papers/podcast/e-learning published and some made free access
- Travel vaccines-priorities determined by incidence and impact. Steffen et al 2023 here
- Travellers’ Diarrhoea BMJ clinical review HERE (login details required but podcast available free of charge)
- TMAID (Systematic review of loperamide: No proof of antibiotics being superior to loperamide in treatment of mild/moderate travellers’ diarrhoea) HERE
- TD Guidelines from the ISTM HERE
- Medical Considerations before International Travel – NEJM here
- Free online course from LSHTM – Preventing Zika Virus: Understanding and Controlling the Aedes Mosquito
- The Lancet – Zika Virus Resource Centre
- The CDC journal club here
- Research Papers and publications from the Hospital for Tropical Diseases (added Nov.2016) here
SECTION 5: Maps and Infographics
- Maps for political situation in countries from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office here (also direct link from individual countries on NaTHNaC database)
- WHO interactive maps here
- CDC maps here
- UKHSA ACMP Malaria Maps found in Appendix 4 (page 102) of the Malaria Guidelines here
- NaTHNaC Yellow Fever maps here
- WHO infographics here
- CDC infographics here
- Try a Google search on ‘Travel Health Infographics’
- ILGA maps sexual orientation laws in the world – overview map
SECTION 6: Societies and Associations
- International Society of Travel Medicine ISTM
- Faculty of Travel Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow RCPSG
- The faculty of Travel Medicine of Australasia ACTM
- British Global Travel Health Association BGTHA
- Northern European Conference on Travel Medicine (NECTM) meeting held every 2 years
- Asia Pacific Travel Health Society APTHS
- American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene ASTMH
- South African Society of Travel Medicine SASTM
- Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene RSTMH
- London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine LSHTM
- CDC listing of promoting quality in the practice of travel medicine from the Yellow Book here
SECTION 7: Social Media and Technology
Please note – this is just a small selection – this area is expanding rapidly!
- Travel Medicine at the Royal College Facebook page here
- My Facebook Page (Travel Health Training Ltd) here (please like!)
- CDC vaccine schedule app here and IOS app for immunizations from Canadian government here
- WHO Info: Smart phone app for global health
- CDC podcasts here
- Facebook for Travel Health Professionals UK, NaTHNaC, WHO, FCDO, ISTM and CDC Travelers Health
- “X” (formerly Twitter) for NaTHNaC WHO CDC
- Instagram for WHO, CDC, NaTHNaC and I’m sure there are many more out there! (I like National Geographic Travel)
SECTION 8: miscellaneous ideas!
- Royal College of Nursing Travel Health resources here and RCN Library subject guide for travel here
- The American Travel Health Nurse Association (ATHNA) Educational Resource here
- IATA Medical Manual (for fitness to fly from page 51) Latest edition needs to be applied for, see here
- Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Guidance for health professionals here
- International Association for Medical Assistance to Travellers here
- FGM resources here
- The University of Liverpool HIV Drug Interactions here
FINDING YOUR WAY AROUND WWW.JANECHIODINI.CO.UK – at the bottom of the HOME page are images of some of the most useful pages to access directly rather than using the menu at the top. Don’t forget the HELP page has loads of resources topic by topic.
At the bottom of each page is a purple ‘up’ button to take you to the top of the page quickly. There are logos on each page as well to take you to my FB, Twitter and Blog pages and the Practice Nurse Update.
If you’ve found this helpful please let me know. Similarly if you’ve had problems with it, I’d appreciate knowing what the issue was so I can improve it for next time!
Please e mail me at janechiodini@btinternet.com