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Below is a host of different resources (part of this information is provided in relation to a presentation I gave at NECTM6)
Gap year websites and articles (please note these are for information only, I am not endorsing them or any products on this page)
- Gap year information from the Telegraph HERE
- Travel independent info website HERE
- Key travelling/backpacker routes around the world HERE
- Gapyear.com ‘What is a gap year?’ HERE (site offline in March 2021 but stated to be temporary so link left here for the current time)
Useful books
- The Big Trip: Your Ultimate Guide to Gap Years and Overseas Adventures (Lonely Planet)
- Google search here
Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) Travel Aware programme click HERE for information (scroll down for many resources)
- FCDO Gap Year travel specifically HERE (again scroll down for many resources)
- FCDO Facebook page HERE
- FCDO Twitter page HERE
- FCDO Press release Young Brits failing to get cover for adventurous pursuits abroad see HERE
- FCDO Travel insurance statistics see HERE
- FCDO British Behaviour Abroad report 2014 see HERE
- FCDO Adventure travel abroad play it safe poster see HERE
USEFUL APPS for travelling
Click on the image below to go to more information
Advice, websites and various leaflets on travel health issues for young adult travellers (for information only)
- fitfortravel website for a large range of useful information leaflets
- Going on holiday? Be trip ready from NaTHNaC
- ABTA taking a gap year information here
- ABTA Balcony safety general information here including leaflet on Booze and Balconies information here
- Caroline’s Rainbow Foundation here
- Information from the BBC about the drug trade in Peru – the Mochilleros
- BBC report on dating apps increasing risk of STIs – here
- Sexual healh advice for backpackers from the bemused backpacker website here
- Sexual health abroad from DIC Copenhagen here
- NHS website, safer sex on holiday here
- ILGA maps for lesbian and gay rights maps (but look around this page for further useful resources)
- CDC Yellow Book on Study Abroad & Other International Student Travel here
- American Travel Health Nurse Association (ATHNA) Equitable Care for Transgender Travelers (2018) here
- Rabies resources here
- Water filtration information from fitfortravel here and video about the Aquapure system illustrated here and with subtitles here