Vaccine Storage
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1. Storage, distribution and disposal of vaccines – The Green Book chapter 3, updated 2013
2. Protocol for ordering, storing and handling vaccines from PHE updated March 2014 (also see image below)
3. Vaccine incident guidance: responding to vaccine errors from PHE updated 2022
4. Finding your local Health Protection Team in England
5. ‘Keep your vaccines healthy’ poster and magnet from Public Health England
6. ImmForm
7. Guidance on Vaccine Storage and Handling from Public Health Scotland – March 2023
8. Care Quality Commission Mythbuster no. 17 Vaccines storage and fridges in GP practices and from Public Health England What to do if issues with vaccine storage management are identified during a Care Quality Commission inspection
9. Excel spreadsheets for Vaccine Stock Management regarding the travel and childhood vaccines can be found in 12a and 12b in tools
10. Public Health England Off Label Vaccine leaflets here and a leaflet ‘The use of vaccines that have been temporarily stored outside the recommended temperature range’ here or directly here
11. Specialist Pharmacy Service – NHS. Maintaining the vaccine cold chain in primary care (includes a Policy for maintaining the vaccine cold chain) here.
International Resources
- Vaccine Storage and Handling Toolkit published 2023 from CDC. Also in 2018, CDC added a 50 minute video entitled ‘Keys to Storing and Handling Your Vaccine Supply’ to YouTube see here
- Canadian Government National Vaccine Storage and Handling Guidelines for Immunization Providers 2015 (now archived but was an excellent resource)
- Australian Government National vaccine storage guidelines ‘Strive for 5’
- PAHO’s Cold Chain Resource Center
EQUIPMENT to purchase (PLEASE NOTE I AM NOT ENDORSING ANY COMPANY, merely helping you find suppliers)
- Labcold Vaccine Transport Bags here
- Williams Medical data logger see here, vaccine carrier bag see here but also search on the site for greater selection.
- Medisave UK Ltd – search on vaccine transport boxes see here
Please note, on 19th February 2014 the following CPD article was published in Nursing Standard. The full reference is:
Chiodini J (2014) Safe storage and handling of vaccines. Nursing Standard. 28,25, 45-52. (NS731)
Very little information is provided in UK guidance on equipment such as data loggers, vaccine transporters, portable vaccine fridges, so I’ve included these topics in the article. Nursing Standard have kindly allowed a copy of this article to be linked on the RCN immunisation page see here and for direct access click here or on the image below.
Interesting UK resources – click on images below
International resources – click on images below