This ‘Introduction to Travel Health Course’ is an e learning course and an alternative to the face to face training I provided for a number of years.
This course follow the curriculum described in the ‘Good Practice Guidance for Providing a Travel Health Service‘ document which explains the learning healthcare professionals need (doctors, nurses and pharmacists) to deliver travel health consultations. This was published in October 2020 from the Faculty of Travel Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow. The Ten Point Framework of topics for inclusion describing essential training for travel medicine can be viewed from page 33 of the publication (see the link above). This e learning course will take you through these topics, and if you choose to explore all the material, it will increase your knowledge even further than a two day face to face training programme would have time for.
Here are some key facts
- The course learning should take a minimum of two days to complete. There are a total of 10 modules plus an introduction to complete. It is highly recommended you study the modules in the course in a sequential manner. However, having studied any particular module, you can revisit this section again as a recap as well
- If you choose to explore the many resources, the successful pilot of the course found on average, students were spending up to three days in total on the platform
- Detail about obtaining a certificate of completion is provided at the end of the course but you will also receive an e mail with the document attached. This is given for 15 hours of learning, but of course you can also write a self reflection which is of far greater value than simply a certificate
- You will be provided with access to the course for EIGHT WEEKS after enrolment – therefore please only sign up at a time when you can plan out protected time for the learning
- Extensions are granted in exceptional circumstances – you would need to apply for this – see next line
- Within the course there is an e mail option to contact me if you have any problems
- The course is not typical of e learning. It is very bright and colourful, with music and many images, interactive buttons to explore additional resources, voice overs on some slides, videos, self assessment questions and case studies to consider
- Materials are also provided within the platform along with links to tools you can use which are within my website
- Evaluation of of the pilot course rated the experience by everyone as 5 star and some comments can be found here
- and to see current reviews on the website see here
- COST – the introductory price of this course is £210 + VAT
The course objectives of the Introduction to Travel Health are to:
- Provide you with a basic knowledge for the key aspects within a travel consultation
- Raise your awareness of the complexity of travel medicine practice
- Increase your confidence to gain control within a travel consultation, whilst recognising the levels of competence required to deliver good care
- Lead you to further tools and resources to use within your practice, thus enhancing your knowledge and learning
For more details about the course structure see below.
The course author and creator, Jane Chiodini welcomes you in a short video which introduces the course. You’ll learn about the overall objectives of the training and some tips about navigating the course.
Module 1
What is Travel Medicine?
This section of the course gives you an overview of travel medicine and some of the key documents you need to be aware of for the governance and standards of practice.
Module 2
Risk Assessement
Module 2 introduces you to the fundamentals of travel risk assessment which underpins all the decisions you subsequently make with your travellers. There are many resources to explore within this section to enhance you knowledge.
Module 3
Travel Risk Management
Module 3 looks at the management of the traveller once the pre travel risk assessment has been undertaken. Again this section will take you through to many additional resources and in particular in this section, a number of ready made tools for you to use in your consultations.
Module 4
Immunisation Theory and Resources
Module 4 provides an introduction to the theory of immunisation both in general and in relation to travel medicine. Again this section will take you through to many additional resources which will enhance your knowledge and understanding.
Module 5
Travel Diseases and Vaccines
The vaccine preventable diseases and the vaccines we use in travel medicine to prevent them are covered in this module. This section utilises many videos to explain nuances of the travel vaccines and there are many resources you can download to help in your learning.
Module 6
Mosquito Borne Diseases
Malaria is a very important subject in travel medicine as are other mosquito borne infections. Within the remit of this introductory course, it’s not possible to cover everything in detail, so the main focus in this module is on malaria and understanding the principles of mosquito bite avoidance.
Module 7
Other Travel Related Risks
Module 7 will take you through a number of key topics which are important to know about for your pre travel risk assessment but most haven’t been covered so far. Again, many additional resources are included. The module is overall shorter than modules 5 and 6.
Module 8
Special Risk Travellers
Module 8 addresses a number of key types of travellers and key topics that add additional risk. It is important to have some knowledge for your pre travel risk assessment, allowing you to determine if the care is within your competency skills. If not, you need to be aware of this and where to refer to for additional help.
Module 9
Moving Forward and Resources
Module 9 explains what you need to do to put the information you’ve learnt on this course into practice. A video explains the importance of a competency assessment tool provided. There is also a recap of the resources covered in the course and the module ends with a selection of case studies to test your knowledge.
Module 10
Providing a Travel Health Service
Module 10 introduces you to the principles and requirements for setting up a travel health service. This module has been requested by many wanting to set up a new service, but it is equally important if already working in a setting that provides travel, that you understand what a good service should look like.
This course was written, designed and created by Jane Chiodini MBE MSc RGN RM FFTM RCPS(Glasg) QN
Jane was the first nurse in England to obtain a the MSc degree in travel medicine. She is a leading figure in the UK in this field of practice, was Chair of the RCN Travel Health Forum 2000 – 2006 and lead author on the RCN guidance: Travel health nursing, career and competence development. She was Director of Education of the Faculty of Travel Medicine at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow in an honorary capacity from July 2015 and from October 2018 – 2021 was Dean of the Faculty of Travel Medicine. During this time she led on the development of the guidance document described at the top of this webpage, ‘Good Practice Guidance for Providing a Travel Health Service’ and on the creation of two more substantial courses in travel with the Faculty of Travel Medicine: a ‘Professional Development Certificate and the RCPSG Post Graduate Diploma in Travel Medicine’. See here for details of these more advanced courses and Jane’s contribution to the work here.
Jane started training healthcare professionals over 25 years ago and is passionate about teaching and developing tools for healthcare professionals to use in a travel consultation. In the New Year Honours 2022, Jane was awarded an MBE for services to training and development in travel medicine. For further details see a page on her website