Travel Health Update Resources
HELLO – this page is just for you having attended a recent travel health update with me! Please note, the page was up to date at the time of the travel health update you attended, but things may have changed since that time so refer to other resources as well, for example NaTHNaC and TRAVAX. I will endeavor to keep it up to date, but it would be very helpful if you notice anything isn’t working that you contact me and let me know. Travel health moves quite quickly and as a result I will change the resources on this page accordingly – this will be most relevant if you attended a face to face training when such items will be discussed. Some updates I teach are half days and some full days so if there are items on this page that weren’t covered on you’re day, they are still here for you to peruse if you want! Thank you.
Over the years, I’ve enjoyed designing ‘tools’ and resources for health care professionals to use in their daily practice – created to make the process easier. When using tools such as vaccine and malaria charts, advice leaflets etc. make sure though that you are always using the latest version. I would ask you to read the copyright and disclaimer statements please.
KEY RESOURCES in TRAVEL HEALTH are always on the ‘Panda Page‘ – or see image at the bottom of the home page.- FOR MOST OF THE RESOURCES FOR A TRAVEL SERVICE (including guidelines, forms etc.) see HERE
- TO JOIN THE FACULTY OF TRAVEL MEDICINE AS AN AFFILIATE (you apply online but need to register first, then fill out the short selection of questions in the boxes provided)
- TO ACCESS the February 2019 open access EMPORIATRICS see HERE and to understand it’s purpose see my blog
- My Facebook Page (Travel Health Training Ltd) here (please like!)
- My Blog here
- Practice Nurse Travel Health Update articles here
- If you go to the grey block at the very bottom of any page on the website you’ll see logos that, if you click them, will link you directly to my pages for facebook, twitter, blogger and Practice Nurse updates
- To access a number of online training resources I’ve developed click here
- NaTHNaC TravelHealthPro eBook
- NaTHNaC factsheets
- NaTHNaC – to subscribe to alerts and newsletter here and see right hand side of page
- If a TRAVAX user click on Account on the top menu and subscribe to news and outbreaks from there
- To sign up to the Vaccine Update and/or subscribe to updates on other publications such as new chapters of the Green Book
- To access back copied in the digital index for the Vaccine Update see here
- PHE National Minimum Standards and Core Curriculum for Immunisation Training for Registered Healthcare Practitioners
- March 2018 Immunisation course free of charge on Health Education England e-LfH (includes many other excellent courses on the site)
- PGD Collection from Public Health England (remember these PGDs still have to be ‘adopted’ locally before you can use them)
- Recommendation for administering more than one live vaccine now in the Green Book on chapter 11 page 9 here
- Which vaccine comes from which manufacturer? here
- The BNF app here
- Facebook page for Travel Health Professionals UK and Ireland and RCN GPN Forum
As discussed, the temporary recommendations for hepatitis A vaccine have been removed, but some related information remains out there – as soon as any more detail is known, I will add it here.
- Hepatitis A news items on TravelHealthPro from NaTHNaC
- Information about country advice changes and look at the polio vaccine advice within the country information
- Frequently Asked Questions from TRAVAX (but you’ll need your login details)
- Hepatitis A antigen content chart here
- E LEARNING 1) Nuggets of Knowledge – Hepatitis A vaccine
- FAQ on Hepatitis A and e learning on my website
- Guidance on Hepatitis B: vaccine recommendations during supply constraints from Public Health England (includes the information leaflet) although restrictions now lifted but links left here temporarily for information. It is this document which explains ‘On the advice of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), boosters will no longer be routinely required in healthy, immunocompetent adults who have completed a primary course of vaccine, including healthcare workers who are known responders’. See page 8.
- Resources on hepatitis B in HELP here
Additional resources and tools for hep A and B
- Pharmaceutical company information for shortages – online GSK and phone numbers: GSK Tel: 0208 047 5000 Sanofi Pasteur Tel: 0148 350 5515 MSD Tel: 0199 245 2094 PaxVax Tel: 0152 521 7516
- Food, beverage and advice chart
- Further information about PGDs and PSDs here
- FAQ on charging for vaccines here
- A blog about the situation re Polio and the PHEIC (this link takes you to a previous posting as well)
- Polio information from NaTHNaC here and WHO video shown here but look at others too when on the page
- Purchasing the ICVP from NaTHNaC – look under ordering
- How to fill out an ICVP for proof of polio vaccination from TRAVAX in Scotland and TravelHealthPro for rest of the UK
- PHE Guidance on the management of suspected tetanus cases and on the assessment and management of tetanus prone wounds here
- Green Book chapter on tetanus from November 2018 here
MALARIA, MOSQUITO BITE PREVENTION and other insect borne diseases
- My malaria information page here
- World Malaria Day 2019 resources
- WHO app for the World Malaria Report here
- Imported malaria into the UK statistics
- UK malaria annual report here
- Malaria data , guidance and analysis
- Many other Malaria resources from my website here
- E learning course for malaria based on PHE guidelines
- Children’s malaria tablet chart from NaTHNaC here
- Administering children’s tablets – see item no. 21 in TOOLS here
- Mandatory logo for selling medicines online here and register of authorised sellers of medicines here
- Maloff Protect manufacturer website here and SPC – see ‘risk materials’ at the top of the page. MHRA announcement here
- Malaria tablet leaflets on tools – see item no. 25
- Dengue factsheet from NaTHNaC, PHE data and information from WHO
- Chikungunya factsheet from NaTHNaC, PHE data and information from WHO
- Practical aspects of insect bite prevention – here
- Bug Off website and video directly on YouTube
WHO open access courses on many diseases here
Yellow fever
- New Scientist information on recent yellow fever case here
- Yellow fever resources in HELP here
- New patient information leaflet on YF from NaTHNaC
- Yellow fever vaccine – traveller checklist from NaTHNaC here
- Yellow Fever Zone on Travel Health Pro, and the Training Portal
- Yellow fever resources from the WHO
- Yellow fever factsheet from WHO
- Yellow fever chapter 35 from the Green Book
- Yellow fever resources (including latest map for Brazil) from ECDC
- CDC interactive map – Expanded Yellow Fever Vaccine Recommendation Areas in Brazil
- Example of yellow fever certificate on Travel Health Pro
- WHO Annex of Countries with risk of yellow fever transmission and countries requiring yellow fever vaccination (July 2019) here
- Yellow Fever course from Health Protection Scotland (remember this does NOT replace NaTHNaC training if you are a registered Yellow Fever Centre in England, Wales or N. Ireland) see here
- WHO: EYE strategy – Working together for eliminating yellow fever epidemics video
Japanese encephalitis
- Japanese encephalitis information from NaTHNaC
- Ixiaro SPC from the Electronic Medicines Compendium
- Green Book chapter on JE here
- Link to a paper in the Journal of Travel Medicine about three British travellers who contracted JE ‘More than devastating’—patient experiences and neurological sequelae of Japanese Encephalitis see here
- Sophie Williams news item and Sophie’s story on YouTube here
- Story of another patient who contracted JE – from the Encephalitis Society – Chelsea
Meningococcal disease
- Green Book chapter 22 on meningococcal disease here
- Men ACWY issues detailed in a blog here
- Meninigitis certificate for Visa purposes here from GSK
- Links to the immunisation charts for childhood schedules and much more on immunisation topics. See in particular item no. 3
- Resources for rabies and make sure you scroll right to the bottom of the page – lots of leaflets and key resources on here
- Blog on rabies updated here (written 21.08.18)
- HPR report in November 2018 on ‘Updated guidance on managing rabies exposures‘
- NEW leaflet ‘Bat Contact and Rabies Risk‘ leaflet
- NEW – short online learning for rabies resources
- Map of endemicity of rabies from the WHO see here
- Public Health England guidelines on requesting rabies pre-exposure prophylaxis here
- Public Health England guidelines on managing rabies post-exposure treatment
- Public Health England Rabies post exposure risk assessment form and calendar see here
- HPS rabies information page here
- WHO Rabies resources here and the specific WHO Expert consultation April 2018 here
- WHO FAQ document for clinicians here
- Rabies lecture from the Royal Society here
- Articles mentions in the travel update presentation here and here
- Measles news items from NaTHNaC and here for measles information
- European measles data here
- World Health Organization data here
- Vaccination of individuals with uncertain or incomplete immunisation status here
- The latest MMR leaflets published by Public Health England are available in English, Polish, Romanian and Somali here
- Measles poster for travellers on tools item no. 24
The CHILD TRAVELLER and gap year/backpacker travellers
- Travellers’ Diarrhoea BMJ clinical review HERE (login details required but podcast available free of charge) and open access paper from TMAID (Systematic review of loperamide: No proof of antibiotics being superior to loperamide in treatment of mild/moderate travellers’ diarrhoea) HERE
- NICE guidance: Diarrhoea – prevention and advice for travellers here
- New injection techniques here
- Travel and the future see April and August 2017 articles here
- HELP page with links to loads of resources including the ‘Harry Potter‘ page!
- TOOLS page with lots of resources to help in practice
- FGM and travel resources which includes the documentary of the Cruel Cut.
- CQC Nigel’s Surgery: Tips and mythbusters (FGM is no. 80, immunising people with underlying medical conditions is 89)
- Diphtheria presentation online from the LSTM here
- WHO online course – OpenWHO here
- Know as you go for the traveller app (KAYG) website here
- NEW – Interim findings of the Vaccinations and Immunisations Review – September 2019 – here
A few tools by image below
FINDING YOUR WAY AROUND WWW.JANECHIODINI.CO.UK – remember at the bottom of the HOME page are images of some of the most useful pages to access directly rather than using the menu at the top. Below this on the grey band are logos for twitter, facebook, blogger and Practice Nurse and clicking on any of these will take you directly to those additional resources.
- MANY helpful tools to standardise your service can be found on the tools page – or click on the image of the fruit and cutlery below! These will include travel risk assessment and management forms (nos. 1 and 2), advice leaflet and post vaccination letter you can customise (nos. 4 and 5), last minute traveller poster (no. 10), bravery certificates (no. 14), poster regarding rabies for reception staff (no. 16) and much much more!
- Wanting more education on travel – click the trainig image below
- Don’t forget the HELP page has loads of resources topic by topic
- To find the latest item added to this website go to ‘What’s New’ click here or image below right
I hope I’ve remembered everything! If not please e mail me at janechiodini@btinternet.com
If you’ve found this helpful please let me know. Similarly if you’ve had problems with it, I’d appreciate knowing what the issue was so I can improve it for next time!