Best Practice in Nursing Conference – Travel health workshop
HELLO – this page is for you. If you attended the workshop held on Thursday 19th October at the BPiN conference at the NEC then the links on this page will make sense as I will have mentioned many of them in the presentation! The content below will be available to you until the end February 2018. Please note, it was up to date at the time of the workshop, however things may have changed since that time so refer to other resources as well, for example NaTHNaC and TRAVAX. After February 2018 this page will be taken ‘down’ but, all other pages on the website are always available.
Over the years, I’ve enjoyed designing ‘tools’ and resources for health care professionals to use in their daily practice – created to make the process easier. When using tools such as vaccine and malaria charts, advice leaflets etc. make sure though that you are always using the latest version. I would ask you to read the copyright and disclaimer statements please.
KEY RESOURCES in TRAVEL HEALTH but remember these are always on the ‘Panda Page’ – see image left side of home page.RCN Travel health
career & competence document
NaTHNaC – National Travel Health Network and Centre
TRAVAX – The A to Z of healthy travel. (Password needed)
Fit for Travel, health information for travellers
NHS choices public pages for travel
Immunisation against Infectious disease
essential publication
Guidelines for malaria prevention
in travellers from the UK
- Guidance on shortage of Hepatitis A vaccine from Public Health England
- Guidance on Hepatitis B: vaccine recommendations during supply constraints from Public Health England (includes the information leaflet)
- Information about country advice changes and look at the polio vaccine advice within the country information
- Guidance for the Hepatitis A shortage from NaTHNaC published 23 June 2017
- Frequently Asked Questions from TRAVAX Regarding the Hepatitis A Vaccine Dose Sparing Recommendations fon 23.06.17 (but you’ll need your login details)
- Chart to track record of vaccine availability – see item 22 in tools here
- Pharmaceutical company information for shortages – online GSK and phone numbers: GSK Tel: 0208 047 5000 Sanofi Pasteur Tel: 0148 350 5515 MSD Tel: 0199 245 2094 PaxVax Tel: 0152 521 7516
- Food, beverage and advice chart
- E LEARNING view a number on this page 1) Nuggets of Knowledge – Hepatitis A vaccine 2) Hepatitis A vaccine Shortages
- FAQ on Hepatitis A
- Further information about PGDs and PSDs here
- FAQ on charging for vaccines here
- Resources on hepatitis B in HELP here
- A blog I wrote about the situation re Polio and the PHEIC
- Polio information from NaTHNaC here and WHO video shown here but look at others too when on the page
- Recommendation for administering more than one live vaccine see here
- Purchasing the ICVP from NaTHNaC
- Zika information – all the information can be accessed from the HOT NEWS page
- WHO Zika app here
- Zika information – all the information can be accessed from the HOT NEWS page
- WHO Zika app here
- For the Futurelearn platform see the HOT NEWS page – for the Coursera platform see here
- NEW – Practical aspects of insect bite prevention – here
- Imported malaria into the UK statistics
- UK malaria annual report here
- Malaria data , guidance and analysis
- Many other Malaria resources from my website here
- E learning course for malaria based on PHE guidelines
- Children’s malaria tablet chart from NaTHNaC here
- Mandatory logo for selling medicines online here and register of authorised sellers of medicines here
- Maloff Protect manufacturer website here and SPC – see ‘risk materials’ at the top of the page. MHRA announcement here
- My Facebook Page (Travel Health Training Ltd) here (please like!)
- My Blog here
- Practice Nurse Travel Health Update articles here
- If you go to the grey block at the very bottom of any page on the website you’ll see logos that, if you click them, will link you directly to my pages for facebook, twitter, blogger and Practice Nurse updates
- To access a number of online training resources I’ve developed click here
- NaTHNaC TravelHealthPro eBook
- NaTHNaC factsheets
- NaTHNaC – to subscribe to alerts and newsletter here and see right hand side of page
- If a TRAVAX user click on Account on the top menu and subscribe to news and outbreaks from there
- To sign up to the Vaccine Update and/or subscribe to updates on other publications such as new chapters of the Green Book
- Which vaccine comes from which manufacturer? here
- The new BNF app here
- Hand luggage restrictions
- Holiday advice videos
- Guide to travelling with CPAP
A few tools by image below
FINDING YOUR WAY AROUND WWW.JANECHIODINI.CO.UK – remember at the bottom of the HOME page are images of some of the most useful pages to access directly rather than using the menu at the top. Below this on the grey band are logos for twitter, facebook, blogger and Practice Nurse and clicking on any of these will take you directly to those additional resources.
- MANY helpful tools to standardise your service can be found on the tools page – or click on the image of the fruit and cutlery below! These will include travel risk assessment and management forms (nos. 1 and 2), advice leaflet and post vaccination letter you can customise (nos. 4 and 5), last minute traveller poster (no. 10), bravery certificates (no. 14), poster regarding rabies for reception staff (no. 16) and much much more!
- Wanting more education on travel – click the trainig image below
- Don’t forget the HELP page has loads of resources topic by topic
- To find the latest item added to this website go to ‘What’s New’ click here or image below right
I hope I’ve remembered everything! If not please e mail me through the contact page on this website. Please remember I cannot answer clinical queries.
If you’ve found this helpful please let me know. Similarly if you’ve had problems with it, I’d appreciate knowing what the issue was so I can improve it for next time!